Miyerkules, Agosto 31, 2016

Choosing The Best Air Purifier For Your Baby

Who doesn’t want the best for our children? As parents, going above and beyond to keep our children healthy and free from any harm is part of our instincts.

Indoor Pollutants
Yes, not all pollutants are outside.  You’d be surprise that you can find just as much pollutants indoors.
Toxic Chemical Gases 
· Formaldehyde
· Benzene
· Sulfur Dioxide
· Volatile Organic Compounds – VOCs

Ultra-Fine Particles
· Pet Dander
· Bacteria
· Viruses
· Dust-Mite Allergens
· Smoke
· Soot

Reasons Children Are Vulnerable To Pollutants
Going this far to protect your baby isn’t an exaggeration because kids are way more vulnerable to pollutants compared to adults.

· Because they have higher rate of cell division and less developed immune system mechanisms. This could result to abnormal development because repairing or preventing cellular damage won’t be as easy and quick.

· Their immune system, neurological system, and respiratory system aren’t fully developed yet. So if they get exposed to air pollution early on, that would lead to lifelong health damage.  

· They have small body masses and higher rate of respiration. This means something tolerable to us, like smoke, can be fatal to them.

· Kids usually are always on the floor playing where concentration of particles is much higher. Chances are they’re inhaling more indoor particulates than we do.

Signs Of Poor Quality On Air Purifiers
To make sure you don’t spend money on something useless, beware to these warning signs.

· They’re too cheap. Why would anyone market a product in such a low price if it has the same quality as the top products? This just shows that the product doesn’t have any leverage on its competitors aside from its price tag.

· No mention of possible air leakage that usually happens between the housing and filter frame.

· The product doesn’t have an effective way to remove chemical pollutants.

· Double check and inquire for the quantity of chemical filtering media if it’s marked as “chemical air purifier”.

· The chemical filter states it is “dusted” or “lined” with carbon. This means it doesn’t have enough capacity to remove odors and chemicals over a longer term period.

· Lower gas absorption capacity. This means the product needs frequent filter replacement and greater operating costs.

Lunes, Agosto 22, 2016

Top 5 Tips For Sinus Relief

Sinus problems are not only frustrating but it can also be a real pain. You have stuffy nose, cough, ear ache, pressure sensations and even nausea. Here are some tips you shouldn’t miss!

Ventilate Your Home
It’s never a good idea to let the air inside your home become stale and stagnant because that means you’re not breathing fresh air. Open your windows once in awhile to allow the airflow through the house and clear out the air. This will help you feel better right away.

Humidify The Air
The reason why steam inhalation helps when you have clogged nose is because it clears your sinus passages by not letting them become too dry, especially during winter. That’s the same idea with using humidifiers at home. Humidifiers don’t require much effort; you just put it in your room and stay in bed while breathing the steam.

Keep Your Home A Bit Cooler
Yes, keeping the house feel warm when the weather is freezing feels comforting. But letting the house become too warm is bad for your sinus either! The warm air can dry your nasal passages too. It’d be better to keep the humidifiers in your room when you’re in there but let the rest of the house on the cooler side. Just wear sweaters to keep you from being too cold.


Water is your best friend! Aside from drinking a lot of it, using nasal irrigation system helps too. It helps relieve congestion and blockage in your nose. Just make sure that you’re using clean and safe water all the time.

Improve The Indoor Air Quality Of Your Home
Since our homes tend to be closed most of the time, especially for those who use air-conditioning system or heating system, airborne particulates are just swirling around the house too. That makes your sinus problems worst. What you can do to counteract that is to use HEPA air purifier! This should filter up to 99.97% of particulates so it doesn’t aggravate your condition.

Martes, Agosto 16, 2016

Do Air Purifiers Actually Work?

Air pollution isn’t just limited to outdoors. Yes, it’s more obvious outside due to all the smoke but it’s not like the air stops at the door of your house. Aside from that, even you or your family members can cause pollution from inside the house like smoking, using insect sprayers, or if you have a dog or cat at home.

No wonder air purifiers have become popular among households. But then, just like any hype, a lot of people will try to get on its popularity and sell subpar quality air purifiers. In that case, how will you able to tell that you’re getting the most of your money from the product?

How To Tell An Air Purifier Is Effective
It’s important that the air purifier that you purchase is capable of doing the following, because if it falls short on any of these then there’s no point in buying one.
·   Sucks in even the most tiniest particles
·   Can process large volume of air
·   Return the air back as a clean one
· Eliminates mold, pollen, dander, and other common airborne particulates

Why Air Filters Are Essential
Air purifiers would be useless without their filters. Basically, the filters do the dirty work, quite literally. They’re even put through two tests in order to determine their effectiveness. If the filter passes both, then that means it works best compared to others.

·  Initial Staining Dirt Efficiency
This one measures how a filter handles tobacco, grease, and the likes.

·  Average Arrestance Test
This one checks how much hair, lint, and dusts can the filter process.

Reason To Buy From Triple Lifestyle
· They supply top notch air purifier
Being approved and backed by SGS, NSF, Analabs, Singapore Test Services, Singapore Water Association and TÜV SÜD says a lot.

·  They’re not limited to air purifiers
Because pollution isn’t limited to the air we breathe but are also present to the water we drink and use every day.

·  They offer affordable water filtration system and other health related products
Water is essential in our everyday living, not only because we’d die without water but also because majority of our household activities like cooking, washing, or bathing requires water. Considering that, access to clean water shouldn’t mean a huge dig in our pockets; otherwise less people will be able to enjoy it.

·  Triple lifestyle’s water filtration system can turn tap water into antioxidant alkaline water
Since there are potential health benefits to opting for alkaline water, wouldn’t you like it if there’s a way to transform tap water into one? Well, you can now. Convenient, right?

·  They cater from residential to commercial purposes
The more people a company like this can reach, the more people can experience the health benefits of these products. The greater the chances that in the future, hopefully, everyone will be breathing clean air and drinking clean water.

Huwebes, Agosto 11, 2016

Should You Really Opt For Alkaline Water?

In case you haven’t heard yet, a human can survive 3 weeks without food but will die within just 3 days without water. That’s how crucial life is without water. This is why people are always advised to stay hydrated since it’s a huge factor when it comes to our health.

Moreover, due to health concerns, alkaline water has recently become a thing because it is believed to be better for health and fitness due to its less acidity compared to tap water.

The idea of this hype is that alkaline water will help balance the body’s pH level since it has a pH above 7 which can help your body buffer acidity. But the thing is that, each organ system has a unique pH range which our body can manage to maintain on its own. Aside from that, it will still depend on the underlying cause of an out of balanced pH if alkaline water may or may not be of help.

On the other hand, it wouldn’t be wise to quickly dismiss the idea also. Here are some possible benefits of alkaline water:

Gut Health
Since ionized water possesses a negative oxidation-reduction potential, it could protect you from dangerous microorganisms.

Glycation, Alzheimer's & Diabetes
While there isn’t a solid proof that ionized water works the same way on humans as it does on rats, this animal studies are still hard to ignore. Apparently, glycation level was lowered and liver damaged was reduced in rats with poor blood sugar control due to ionized water. This is also associated with health risk like Alzheimer’s.

Alkalized Water And Athletes
Athlete’s experiences fatigue and acidity increase all the time due to intense physical activity. Drinking alkaline water, for that matter, may work similarly to mineral supplements like calcium, magnesium, potassium and improve power output and endurance of athletes.
Just know that to gain its health benefits; what you incorporate in your diet is also as important as avoiding foods that could be messing up with our body’s pH levels.

Foods That You Should Avoid
· Soda
· Ice cream
· Hydrogenated and Partially Hydrogenated Fats/ Trans Fats
· Artificial sweeteners