Lunes, Oktubre 24, 2016

Top 7 Trends On Wellness That You Should Try

If you’re thinking about trying any trend at all, you’d be better off trying wellness trend than anything else. Here are some that are guaranteed to be very helpful in anyone’s total well-being.

1. Wearing Little To No Makeup
Skin is the largest organ in the body, so it totally makes sense that you pay more attention to it. You’re face in particular is the first thing that people will notice in you which is why you’d want to maintain a clear face as much as possible. Instead of piling on a ton of makeup, why not let it breathe. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on cosmetics, you’d be better off investing in skin care.  

2. Wellness Spa
Spa is no longer just a luxury but it also offers great health benefits, especially from massages. But that doesn’t mean you have to spa places all the time to experience the benefits of it. You can always create a spa at home, just be creative and resourceful. The important thing is that you pamper yourself.

3. Gut Health

The reason why kimchi and other fermented foods are so popular right now is because of the health benefits they provide, specifically for our guts. Incorporating such food in our daily diet helps your body absorb food better, introduces probiotics into your digestive system and help with the balance of bacteria in it, slow or reverse some disease, and improve bowel health and digestion.

4. Alkaline Water
It’s no longer enough that you’re drinking 8 glasses of water every day. You also have to ensure that you’re drinking alkaline water, not because it seems posh but because it actually has health benefits. Alkaline water soothes acid reflux; helps neutralize acid in the bloodstream which leads to increased oxygen level and improved energy and metabolism.

5. More Greens Into Our Diet
Our moms were right about eating our greens. In fact it doesn’t end with leafy greens, even green tea, seaweed, and algae (yes there are ways to consume them) can help improve our total wellness. Not only that they’re great for the metabolism, but they also keep thyroids healthy, and are great nutrients and protein provider (Algaes like spirulina and chlorella).  

6 Installing Air Purifiers In Our Homes
No, they’re not for caprice to show off. They’re especially great for people who have breathing problems like asthma or those with allergies. Air purifiers filters indoor air which then allows you to breath clean air, at least in your home when the air pollution outside is something we can’t help anymore.

7. Immerse Yourself Into Nature
Hiking, camping, swimming at the beach, and visiting more places that aren’t malls or buildings or even just spending 20 minutes in the sun keeps you grounded. The natural environment also helps calm you mentally and emotionally when work, traffic, and too much computer is starting to take a toll on your health generally. 


7 Simple Steps Towards Living An Organic Lifestyle

Lunes, Oktubre 17, 2016

7 Simple Steps Towards Living An Organic Lifestyle

The lifestyle people live today is far from organic, which is why it’s so hard to switch into an earth-friendly one because we have become so accustomed to it that we no longer know how to live otherwise. However, if you’re truly concerned about the planet and you wanna help these simple changes can mean so much. Baby steps are all it takes to make the switch.  

1. Prioritize Having Alkaline Water Supply At Home
Instead of spending money on soda, beer, and artificial juice drinks you’d be better off investing in alkaline water filter. All of those drinks mentioned contain little to no actual juice, offer scant nutritional value and come loaded with sugar and calories. Alkaline water, on the other hand, soothes acid reflux, neutralize acid in bloodstream, increase oxygen level, and improve energy and metabolism.

2. Opt For Organic Cleaning Products
This is the easiest habit to start with when you want a lead an organic lifestyle. Aside from that, it also make a huge difference because the chemicals in the usual cleaning products in the market are very toxic since they contain corrosive ingredients like sodium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite (bleach) that can permanently burn eyes and skin.  Vinegar, baking soda, and borax are better alternatives.

3. Check Out Your Local Farmer’s Market
Aside from the facts that local produce are cheaper compared to those sold in supermarket, they’re a lot safe and tastier. Why? Because they’re grown using natural fertilizer, no harmful pesticides that don’t just kill pest but also absorbed by the produce and which we ingest when we eat them.

4. Consider Buying Used Clothes Or Books
Instead of creating demand for more clothing and books, which we’re already flooded with, you can buy from thrift shops or second-hand stores. This way, it may not be much, but you’re not contributing to the cutting of trees to make more clothes and books.

5. Switch To Organic Hygiene Products
This is another switch that will make a really big difference. Not only that you’re adding to the demand of toxic substances, you also get to save yourself from such elements from being absorbed directly into your bloodstream which can affect your health eventually.

6. Drive Fuel-Efficient Car Or Better Yet Drive Less
Air pollution nowadays have become so alarming, especially in industrialized area. What you can do to lessen or not participate in that is opt for fuel-efficient car. A car that uses less gas at least makes less emission and helps the fuel economy. But for those who truly wanna push the organic lifestyle further, then drive less. Use your bicycle if it’s just around the corner, use public transportation, or walk if your house is just a couple of blocks away from your work.

7. Plant Few Indoor Herbs
Planting more is always a good idea. Better if you can dedicate your whole backyard for an organic garden where you can plant vegetables and other edible plants. But if you don’t have the space, even indoor herbs are great. You don’t just have organic herb when you cook, but it also acts as organic air freshener and insecticides.


Miyerkules, Oktubre 12, 2016

Ways To Avoid These 6 Common Indoor Allergy Triggers

More and more people are becoming allergic, which isn’t so surprising since places have become more industrialized. While you can’t help it if you develop allergies, there are way to at least manage your flare ups. Here are some ways to do that.

1. Allergen: Dust Mites
Tip: Use allergen proof encasings for pillows, mattresses, box springs and wash linens in 130-degree temperature every week
They may not be visible to us but they are actually the most common allergy trigger out there. There’s high concentration of dust mites on your pillows because they like places where human skin flakes are present and is humid. These tips helps control them as well as using vacuum and air purifier that contains HEPA filter to keep off dust mites since they can also be found anywhere in the house.

2. Allergen: Pets
Tip: Test you reaction to particular breed of pet you wanna get
Those who are allergic to dander shed aren’t necessarily allergic to all pets. Sometimes there are some breeds that don’t affect you the same way. So what you can do is test it out. Try visiting relative or friends house who keep pets to see which one don’t trigger your allergies. That is if you really wanna get a dog or cat, but if you want to be completely safe you might as well avoid pets altogether.  

3. Allergen: Molds
Tip: Opt for tile down flooring instead of carpet and be particular about the place you want to live
Molds develop in damp and dark places. What you can do is maybe avoid picking an apartment with basement or if you’re allowed to make some renovations in you place have it tiled down. This should make cleaning easier for you and minimize mold growth.

4. Allergen: Cockroaches
Tip: Arrange extermination of cockroaches for your place and be clean around the house
News flash, cockroaches aren’t just gross but they’re also one of the indoor allergy triggers! It’s not like you need more reason to get rid of them in your house. But knowing they’re health hazard make you more determined. Just make sure that you and your family are not in the house when extermination is done. They also like damp areas so keep food in covered containers all the time, do the dishes right away, don’t keep the trash in the house overnight, and fix leaky faucets and pipes. Seal off cracks and crevices on the wall or windows too.

5. Allergen: Pollen
Tip: Install air purifier, wipe pets down when they return from outdoors, and change clothes and shoes immediately when you get home
You think you’re safe from pollens indoors? Not really since you and your pets bring them in from outside. Good thing you can always install air purifiers with HEPA filter to filter them out, it should eliminate 90% of air particles that managed to sneak into your home.

6. Allergen: Cigarettes
Tip: Quit smoking or at least avoid smoking around children and people with allergies
Even before cigarette smoke became an allergen, we all know it’s an irritant for anyone with breathing problem like asthma. If you know someone in the family is allergic to smoke or have asthma, be sensitive enough to not smoke in the house or whenever they’re around. The same thing when you’re in public transportation or places where it’s crowded.  

Miyerkules, Oktubre 5, 2016

Top 7 Household Items You Should Really Invest On

Maintaining a house is fun, it can give you a sense of pride and independence, but it’s never without a challenge. But if you have these items, you know you can take on any household chores. So make sure you don’t skimp on these items, otherwise they may give you more trouble instead of making your living easier.  

1. Air Purifier

It’s sad but air pollution nowadays has become worse than the old days. This isn’t so surprising, given the increase in cars on the road and factories, especially in urban areas. But, with the help of air purifiers you can at least have control over the air you breathe indoors. Aside from that, it can also help those who suffer from allergies or breathing problems like asthma to manage their condition at home.

2. Water Dispenser

Having this at home can bring a lot of convenience and benefits for you and your family. Not only that it’s a lot cheaper compared to buying a lot of bottled water, it also saves space in your fridge, makes you drink more water since you can always see it, healthier than tap water, and gives you quick access to either cold or hot water whenever you need it.

3. Exterior Door Locks

You can never go wrong when it comes to investing in security. With all the crooks roaming in the streets, which by the way are getting craftier by the day, waiting for an opportunity to take advantage, you cannot afford to skimp on strong door locks.

4. Mattresses
You work hard every day to enjoy life and live in comfort. To help you keep going and wake up every day feeling well rested and fully recharged to take on another day, a mattress that is comfortably soft yet firm enough to support you should be a non-negotiable in your home.

5. Major Appliances

For those appliances you know you need every day and will use often, like refrigerator and washing machine, spending a little more is reasonable provided that the quality is unquestionable. At least you can rest assured that they’ll last for 10 years or more without you needing to take them to the repair shop every few years.

6. Fire Extinguisher

Either you have children or not, you need this. You would not believe how many fire incidents started from small and went to a disaster because people had nothing to put it out with or panicked and didn’t know how to deal with it. At least having a fire extinguisher and knowing how to use it (of course) you can quickly grab it when the need arise.

7. Vacuum Cleaner/Iron

This one is a 50/50 decision making. It really depends on your priority as a house owner. If you’re someone who absolutely can’t tolerate dust, fur, or hair lying around, then vacuum it is. But for those who like to look polished at work or events all the time then good iron will save your life. But if you can afford to buy a good quality of both items, all the more better!


Top 5 Tips For Sinus Relief